„One right at the beginning“, says the self-defense trainer in front of a group of people of all ages. „Don't think you're invincible when this course is finished. A big, strong guy is still physically superior to you. And yet there are chances, because self defence starts in your head.“
„There are statistics on perpetrator types that show that a large proportion are aggression-inhibited perpetrators,“ the trainer explains. „This type prefers victims who seem insecure, because they are afraid and flee with resistance. It is important not to look down: „Keep your head upright. With an upright posture you do more than you think“.
Perpetrators want victims and not opponents
„Defend yourselves properly and not so timidly.“ Almost anything is allowed, the use of one's own body, the use of any object that gives an advantage, says the trainer. „Handbag, ballpoint pen or bunch of keys, use what is tangible and show no inhibitions. Pile the pen where it causes real damage.“ The group seems irritated. „So much violence, does it really have to be?“ asks a petite woman. The trainer's answer leads to a counter-question. „What do you prefer: you or him?
Security in everyday life through self defence?
With a secure feeling through everyday life: In karate training we learn to defend ourselves effectively and efficiently in concrete situations. Our training teaches techniques for the defense against attacks, respectful handling, teaches you to experience your own limits and to build up body awareness. This supports a change in dealing with conflict situations even if a discussion with communicative or psychological attacks is not part of the training. This reduces anxiety, boosts self-confidence and strengthens one's appearance.
What is self defense?
Self-defence serves to avoid and defend against attacks on the integrity of a person. This is the right of every person, in the Federal Constitution Article 10 paragraph 2 states: „Everyone has the right to personal freedom, in particular to physical and mental integrity and to freedom of movement“.
And what does swiss law say about defending yourself?
Article 15 StGB Justifying self-defence: „If someone is attacked without right or threatened directly with an attack, then the attacked person and everyone else is entitled to repel the attack in a manner appropriate to the circumstances.
Article 16 StGB Excusable self-defence: „If the defender exceeds the limits of self-defence according to Article 15, the court shall mitigate the punishment. If the defender exceeds the limits of self-defence in excusable excitement or consternation at the attack, he shall not be at fault.
The capabilities of a person who defends himself can play a role in a judicial assessment. For example, a person who has trained martial arts for years can be expected to have a „cool“ head and a defined reaction to an attack. This can be a decision criterion e.g. in cases of possible excusable self-defence.
Better a self defence course or karate training?
Martial arts schools often offer self-defence courses in groups as weekend seminars or 5 to 6 training units. Sometimes you will also find regular sessions over a few months. Some courses are also reserved for women.
Trainer Roman says: „Self-defence is a way of life. Many courses promise that a few hours of practice will be enough to defend yourself against a real attack. But that's not realistic. Some earn too much money with people's fears at such courses.“
For a solid basis one must constantly test and extend its being able. An offer, which addresses itself only to women, can be seen also critically. If a woman has suffered an assault, it is naturally deep and the inhibition to train with a man is often very great. A trauma that has not been overcome can break up again as a result of the training experience.
„But nevertheless I think that the advantages of a mixed training clearly outweigh“ the trainer continues his thoughts. „Women can test, learn and improve their skills on physically superior opponents“.